tags: clothes

tags: clothes
We found 3 post available for you

Time to make your prom clothes ... with Duck Tape

Number Sense Math and Social Studies Math and Art Wow factor
Larissa Leon, from Texas, in her gorgeous Duck Tape prom gown. If you are going to make your prom clothes then you should start soon ... and buy your Duck Tape. Crafty teens can make their ...

Are these really 70% off?

Algebra Number Sense Ratio and Proportion
We ran into this sale online. Is that advertisement correct?  Do they just want us to believe their math and not question what is really 70% off?  Is everything or...

How much should you spend on this sale?

Algebra Number Sense Ratio and Proportion 3-act tasks Data and probability
This activity can be used in a large range of grade levels.  Your class can work on percents, linear equations or piecewise functions. Act One: We missed the semi-annual sale but we want to get ready...
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